Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up

Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up

Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up Dogs are probably the best creation of the Almighty to act as stress relievers and objects of love for human beings and in the modern world, the love for dogs has gone up tremendously. For the dog lovers, the...
Can Yorkies Eat Eggs?

Can Yorkies Eat Eggs?

You may have a million questions about what may or may not be safe to feed your Yorkie, such as can a Yorkie eat eggs? As many small dogs, Yorkies have very sensitive stomachs and you should be aware of what your furry friend can safely eat. First and foremost, your...
Can Yorkies Swim?

Can Yorkies Swim?

Yorkies are a type of dog that has been bred to be small, so their size can make it seem like they’re not built for swimming. But Yorkie’s can swim! In fact, some people believe that Yorkies were bred to be able to swim easier than other dogs because of...