Yorkies are a small breed of dog. They are intelligent, playful, and full of character. One thing to watch out for with Yorkie’s though is to make sure they are getting plenty of water. This is especially important during warm hot summer months. Yorkies can become dehydrated quite quickly, but how can you tell if your Yorkie needs more water? In this article we will discuss 5 surefire signs that show that your Yorkie needs some more H20.
Sign 1: Excessive Panting
Yorkies don’t generally pant all that often since they are quite a small breed. If you notice that your Yorkie is panting more than normal this may be a sign that they are dehydrated and need more water immediately. Obviously, this would be excessive panting while not being overly energetic. If they have just finished running all over the house with your children some panting is normal.
Sign 2: Lethargic
Another great tell tale sign of dehydration in your Yorkie is if they have become excessively lethargic. This breed of dog is not usually a lethargic breed and this could be a sign of dehydration. If you notice that your Yorkie isn’t wanting to play or eat, but rather sleep and lay around all day it may be time to try and lead them to some water. Getting more water into them should allow for them to spring back to being their playful self again rather quickly. Always offer your Yorkie fresh water after being outside or after a long play session.
Sign 3: Constipation

Courtesy of Annette Walters
Constipation in any dog can mean a sign of low electrolytes which is caused by dehydration. If you notice that your Yorkie is struggling to use the bathroom outside in your backyard you may want to consider offering them more fresh water on a regular basis. A Constipated dog is not normal and usually the first thing a vet will check is their hydration levels. So if you take notice of this offer them more water immediately. They should be thirsty and want to drink more water more often for a while.
Sign 4: Dark Urine
Dark urine in a Yorkie is usually one of the first signs of dehydration. If you notice that your dog’s urine is very dark in color, or has a foul odor that is not normal to them, this could mean they are fighting dehydration. Offer them water to get them back on their feet again!
Sign 5: Dry eyes and nose
Another side effect of dehydration for Yorkies is dry eyes and nose. If you notice that your dog seems to have very dry eyes and a dry nose the first thing you should do is try and re-hydrate them quickly. Offering them fresh water throughout the day can reverse this symptom quickly and get them back to being their “good” old self once again!
In Conclusion:
Dehydration can be dangerous in dogs if left untreated. Dehydration can lead to other health issues and also extreme fatigue in your dog. During summer months especially it is extra important to remember to always have fresh water for them to drink that is available as often as possible. A well hydrated Yorkie will thank you for all of the benefits hydration brings along with it! Feeling overly thirsty isn’t fun for anyone so if you notice any of the 5 signs above in your Yorkie it’s time to fill up the water bowl and lead them to the water multiple times a day.