Yorkies are some of the unique species of dogs, and they possess many traits which are unique to themselves. This uniqueness can be seen in their Coats that they possess. The Coats of Yorkshire Terriers vary greatly, and they range from smooth and silky coats to curly and wavy coats. The type of coat that they have all of this boils down to their genetics.
Because of this diverse nature of their coats, taking care of a Yorkies Coat can become quite challenging and confusing at the same time. However, we have been working with Yorkies for a considerable amount of time, and are aware of the problems and struggles that many owners face. As such we have come with a few information, tips and secrets on how to deal with different types of Yorkshire terrier’s coats.
Below we will provide you with everything you need to know about a Yorkshire terrier’s coat while also answering some of the most common questions about Yorkies. It will also include the types of coats they have, how to groom their coats, the types and styles of haircuts and the colours of their coat as well.
Will, a Yorkshire Terrier, shed its coat?
No, you will not see regular shedding in a Yorkie. One thing that makes a Yorkie’s coat unique is that their coat is not furry like other species of dogs. Instead, a Yorkie’s coat of hair resembles that of a human and as such you will not see regular shedding, but it might lose its hair in few strands just as humans do.
Will a Yorkie cause allergies?
Yes, Yorkies and all types of dogs for that matter will cause allergies. But one thing to keep in mind is the severity of the allergies a person may possess. When compared to other dogs, Yorkies have significantly lower chances of causing allergies. As such people with a mild form of allergies can easily fit in with Yorkies. One can also reduce the chances of allergies by regularly grooming and cleaning the Yorkies.
What type of Coat do Yorkies possess?
A Yorkshire terrier, unlike other dog species, unlike other dog species, does not possess a coat of fur; instead, it has a coat which is made up of hair like that of humans. Their hairs as such are fine, silky and can grow continuously just like humans.

The Types of Yorkshire Terriers Coats
Yorkshire terriers can be found possessing different types of coats with some of them having silky coats, some possessing wavy and woolly coats. Let us discuss the different types of coats that they possess.
- The Puppy Coat: The Puppy coat is the first coat that all Yorkies are born with, and it is thick, soft and dark in colour. The soft puppy coat helps to keep the puppy warm during the harsher months. The puppy coat is significantly darker, and it includes tan and black highlights making it stand out. However, as the Yorkie puppy gets older, the dark coloured nature of its coat gradually fades away, giving way to a new adult coat.
- The Silky Coat: There are two types of adult coats that Yorkies possesses, and the first one is known as the Silky coat. In a Silky coat, the hair is fine, long, smooth, straight and it is glossy. A Silky adult coat as is very desirable and Yorkies with silky coats often participate in Dog shows and competitions.
- The Cotton or Wavy Coat: This is the second type of adult coat, and it also is known as the woolly or wire coat. Unlike the Silky coat, the Cotton coat is wavy, dense and looks woolly. Though this coat is also composed of hair, it does not grow long unlike the silky coat. The cotton or wavy coat also shed more than the silky coat.
How to groom your Yorkie
Grooming is also an important part of your Yorkie’s routine. Grooming has many benefits some of which include a healthy and clean coat, healthy skin and lower risks of diseases and infections. Since Yorkies have different types of coats, therefore grooming them also requires different approaches and methods.
How to groom a Silky Yorkie Coat: Silky Coat Yorkies have long, straight and silky hair; as such the grooming is done by brushing the hair in strips. Brushing individual strips will ensure that all the hairs are brushed and cleaned properly. The brushing should be done with the dog lying on its side, and then gently brushing the hairs in strips from the lower part of their body and gradually going up and then gently separating the hair from the skin. Repeating this process on both these sides will ensure that your Yorkie’s silky coat will be left clean, fluffy and healthy.
How to groom a WavyYorkie Coat: Unlike a Silky Coat, a Wavy Yorkie Coat is much more dense, wavy and woolly. As such, they tend to become dirty much quicker and attract more debris. To brush a wavy Yorkie’s coat, you will need a small, good quality brush and then gently brush towards the growing part of the coat. Avoid brushing the same area for multiple times to prevent irritation. It is also advised to use a long pinned brush or comb to gently brush the coat, to remove any excess or hidden dirt or debris.
When and how to bathe your Yorkshire terrier
To keep your Yorkshire terrier looking and feeling fresh, pleasant and appealing, it is advised to bathe them once after a 6-week interval. One thing to keep in mind is that Yorkshire terriers have dry and sensitive skin, as such while bathing them, it is advised to use a gentle moisturising shampoo along followed by a moisturising conditioner.
Yorkie Hairstyles
Since a Yorkie’s coat is made of hair instead of fur, styling it is very easy, and as such there are various styles of hairstyles available for it. However, amongst the sea of available hairstyles, there are a few which are extremely popular and common, and they are as follows.
- The Show Hairstyle: This hairstyle can be achieved only by Yorkies with silky coats, and in this hairstyle, the hairs are left uncut. Regular brushing and grooming are done to keep maintain this look. This hairstyle is mainly for shows and competitions.
- The Teddy Bear: This hairstyle is the most popular, and it involves trimming down the hairs of the Yorkie to a much shorter length. This hairstyle aims to make the dog look like a puppy again and give it a cute and adorable look.
- The Shave down Cut: The shave down is another popular hairstyle which involves leaving only half an inch of fur left on the dog’s body, while the head, legs and tail are left slightly longer. This style is popular and best suited during the summer months.
The Colours of a Yorkie’s Coat
The colours of a Yorkie’s coat generally are of two types. The Puppies of Yorkshire Terriers have a coat which is generally black with tan highlights across their entire body. Whereas, for an adult Yorkie, the colour of its coat is a combination of dark grey and gold. The dark coloured coat of a Yorkie puppy will gradually fade away as it ages and will attain the colours of an adult Yorkie.