Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up
Why is My Yorkie Throwing Up

For the dog lovers, the most disheartening thing is to see their little bundle of happiness running sick and disturbed. For big and tough breeds such as the German shepherd or the Doberman or something else, the scene is still easy to absorb and digest for even at their low; they appear to be majestic in their own way. But cute and little toy breeds such as the Yorkshire terrier; one feels a lot of pity for them. I’m not trying to condone the fact that people don’t feel pity for other breeds, but just in a general manner way trying to put it out there that Terriers and other little breeds appear to have been drained out of life completely.
If you see your Yorkie vomiting or feeling uneasy, then the possible symptoms belong to one or many categories that are almost the same to hear but vary differently (and so does their medication) from the following list-
- Nausea
Dogs can feel nauseous without any sign of vomiting. Nausea is often caused by a queasy and upset stomach in dogs which can often be judged by their whining and restlessness. If, however, your Yorkie is throwing up, then chances are high that it has nausea too.
- Vomiting
This is the same as with humans. Undigested food and stomach bile are involuntarily ejected out of the mouth.
- Regurgitation
It is again the throwing up of food, but in a dissimilar manner than vomiting. If your Yorkie is throw up the food as soon as it eats it then it is regurgitating. There is no nausea in this case; just a simple bacterial/fungal infection or poisoning problem that’s all.
- Dry heaving
Ever had that feeling where your stomach muscles seem to contract like hell and still, nothing comes out even when you lurch? Well, that’s dry heaving for you. Dogs experience this too after excessive vomiting or due to an empty stomach.
Apart from vomiting, your Yorkie may exhibit one or many of the following symptoms too:
- Decreased appetite
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Restlessness
- Presence of bile or white foam or both
- Shivering or shaking
- Lethargy
All of the aforementioned stuff is just a list of the possible symptoms that could address your problem of your Yorkie throwing up. Let us now answer the more pertinent question of yours over here that ‘why is my Yorkie throwing up’.
Like I said before, seeing your dog in pain and worry just kills your heart and also puts you in a mode of shock that what just happened all of a sudden for, you might be thinking that my dog was functioning perfectly just moments ago and so what could be the reason of such abrupt behavior? Some of the common reasons for Yorkies vomiting and or regurgitating are:
- The amount of your dog’s meal has increased, causing it to eat beyond its capacity
- Your dog is consuming its food very fast
- It is also possible that your dog is suffering from food intolerance i.e. it is having difficulties in digesting certain foods which may have been caused by some food allergy
- Genetic issues with the throat or the esophagus can also cause your Yorkie to throw up often
- Presence of bacteria in the esophagus, some sort of internal growth; basically some sort of problem that your dog may have acquired from the surrounding can also lead to him throwing up frequently
- Chronic diseases such as tumor, esophageal stricture, etc. can also become the cause for the same. However, know that the chances of throwing up due to such extreme chronic diseases are very minimal.
- Yet another common problem that many dog owners have witnessed is that their Yorkie is throwing up Yellow or that it is throwing up white foam or sometimes a combination of the both. So should you be concerned or worried sick if this happens with your dog? Not at all. This is, in fact, one of the most common problems with this breed.
Yellow liquid in the vomit with or without white foam is nothing but the bile juice (the digestive juice) that is produced in the stomach and if it is coming out in the vomit of your Yorkie then it simply means that the stomach of your dog is empty and without any food particles to act as a cushion of comfort, the whole of the bile juice is coming out as it is. But as I said, there’s nothing of concern over here. If your Yorkie is throwing up yellow, chances are that your dog is suffering from gastritis or in some rare situations- inflammation of the stomach.
- If you witness any of the aforementioned serious symptoms in your Yorkie then it goes without saying that you need to fix an appointment with your vet ASAP.
- If the symptoms relate directly with the diet of your Yorkie, then you need not go to the vet. Yorkshires naturally tend to not eat much and hence them throwing up is not something that should surprise you. If the symptoms are not serious, then you just need to ensure that you increase the diet of your dog and even more so; make sure that your Yorkie eats it.
- Even though they tend to not eat much, but when they do, Yorkshires gulps their food very fast which often leads to regurgitation. For this, you may use a slow-feeder bowl that encourages slower eating. But make sure that you use a stainless steel bowl instead of a plastic one to prevent further spread of germs and bacteria stemming from plastic containers.