
Yorkies are one of the most well known, and widely loved, breeds out there today.  Yorkies are popular as both lap dogs and toy dogs alike.  They have strong, yet enjoyable, personalities that set them apart from the other canine breeds.  Even though most people have assuredly heard of the Yorkie breed, there a few things about them that most people do not know.

Little “Tomboy” Toys

This breed may look small and delicate, but don’t be fooled by a Yorkie’s appearance.  They are not only a lot of dog packed into a small package, but they are also a small chunk of tomboy spunk.  Because of the way they carry themselves with such confidence, they are a wonderful breed for agility trials, therapy dogs, and one of the best companion breeds for traveling. They have to be in your lap, no exceptions.

Their Coats Are Similar To Our Hair Texture

If you’ve ever flipped on the tv and watched a dog show you have assuredly seen at least one Yorkie competing.  And as such, they have seen just how beautiful the canine’s coats appear, as it gives the Yorkie the appearance of gliding on air.  Their coats may be lustrous and silky in appearance, but they are similar to our own human hair.  And as such, if not brushed and maintained on a daily basis, can quickly become a massive jumble of tangled knots.  If you do not plan on showing your Yorkie, experts suggest it is best to keep their coats in a shortly styled “puppy” cut.

Descendants From A Blue Collar Ancestry

Most Yorkies of today are seen stylin and profilin with their shiny fur coats and their pretty bows in their hair.  But don’t let this look or air of possible royal descent fool you.  The Yorkie breed comes from a working-class ancestry, having been bred to catch rats and underground tunnel vermin.  If you doubt that this is true, toss a stuffed-mouse in front of one and watch their ancestral roots surge to the surface at breakneck speed.

Yorkies Hang Out With Men, Too

Contrary to popular belief, a Yorkie can make a great pet or companion for both women and men alike.  Although, the trend over the last three decades has shown that men do not like admitting they are purchasing the pup for themselves, as much as for their female counterpart.  However, in most cases, as time passes, it would seem that those same men have bonded with the Yorkie much more than the wife or girlfriend have.  The stigmatism is that men would prefer a “real dog” like a German Shepherd over a little cuddly Yorkie.

Toto—Yorkie Or No?

A point of contention among those who fancy the Yorkie breed and those who fancy the Cairn Terrier breed is just which one inspired the character of Toto in the Wizard of Oz.  In the first edition of author L. Frank Baum’s book, the Wizard of Oz, the original drawings for Toto do seem to resemble a Yorkie.  Which, when one thinks about it makes perfect sense.  The Yorkie breed was very popular at the time the book story was written, and Baum himself had one as a companion.

A Yorkie Named Smoky Was A War Hero

A well-known Yorkie, named Smoky, was a war hero in World War II.  By dragging a communication cable along an 8 inch wide, 60-foot long culvert, she saved the lives of multiple soldiers.  She is also credited as being the world’s very first therapy dog.  She would travel around and visit the wounded soldiers in hospitals, in the effort to lift their spirits.  The small Yorkie was found in 1944 in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, by an American Soldier.

Great For City Dwellers

With the proper early socialization, starting with their pup years, and the proper training, a Yorkie is a great companion for those living in the bigger, noisier cities.  In fact, Yorkies rank on the list of the most popular breed amongst NYC dwellers.  This is credited to their confident manner in situations that usually prove unnerving for their canine counterparts, such as an automobile backfiring or being lead in and out of a crowded sidewalk.

Yorkies Can Be Territorial At Times

Because they are prone to be lap dogs, and the manner in which they are known to bond with their humans, Yorkies more often than not are very territorial.  It doesn’t matter how big the other dog is, if the Yorkie feels his territory is being infringed upon, they will make sure the other dog knows.  Let’s just say they may not finish the fight, but they have no qualms about starting it.

As you can see, there is more to a Yorkie than just a pretty face.  They come from a long lineage of tried and true workers and fantastic companions.  If you are considering the breed for your family, then make sure to do your research, as although they may look tiny in stature, they come packaged with some major sized personalities.

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