Yorkies are a small breed of dog, typically weighing no more than 7 pounds. They can be very energetic and playful. Do they make good family dogs? Yes! When choosing a pet for your children, it is important to consider the temperament of the animal and their needs as well as those of your children. Yorkies have been known to get along with kids quite well when properly socialized from an early age (as young as 8 weeks!).
Yorkies make great pets for kids. They are small and have a good amount of energy. They are also very social and outgoing. So if you have toddlers, they will make a great family pet!
Yorkies can be good pets for kids but it’s important to know that Yorkies need lots of attention. They don’t do well when left alone all day or not brought on many adventures with their families because they become bored easily which can lead to behavioral issues.
Yorkies have a short coat that is easy to groom. They are considered hypoallergenic because they do not shed very much at all, so this would be good for children who suffer from allergies or asthma and cannot live with animals in their home due to pet dander and hair!
And of course, Yorkies are very cute. They have beautiful long hair and they come in different colors such as silver, black, brown or tan with markings on the face and paws like a panda bear!
What is the overall temperament of Yorkies?

Dudley – Courtesy of Di Fleming
The general temperament of a Yorkie is that they are very intelligent and quite cheeky. They will need lots of stimulation, both mental and physical, to be happy but also have the potential to snuggle with you on your lap for hours!
Some may think that yorkies aren’t good pets for kids since there’s a higher probability that they will bite. But, a lot of this is due to the breed’s terrier ancestry and not their disposition towards children generally.
Do you have small children? Are Yorkies good pets for kids?
If your child has allergies or asthma then yorkie dogs could be perfect because these animals don’t shed as much hair!
Yorkies are wonderful family dogs as long as they have a lot of attention, love and care. They will need to get used to lots of different people coming into the house and being around them often so that they can feel comfortable with new situations. So for kids who live in an area where there’s not much going on or for those living in close proximity with other kids, Yorkies would be a good choice because they will get plenty of attention.
We do want to mention that Yorkies are probably best with children that are at least 8 years of age. Due to their small nature we have found that toddlers can be a bit rough with a Yorkie and can cause them to have anxiety which could lead to possible aggressive behavior towards your child. So if you have very small children this may not be the best breed for you at this time.
In Conclusion:
Yorkies make good family pets. They are social, and very intelligent. They need both mental and physical stimulation throughout the day to keep from getting bored and causing mischief in the house. Lastly, remember that Yorkies don’t tend to shed much, which can be a huge bonus for family members who usually suffer from allergies and pet dandruff!